laying on of hands ancestoral healing


The practice of laying on of hands is widely known and continues to be performed in churches worldwide. However, at God’s Center for Divine Healing, we have chosen to no longer practice this particular method.

In reverence to our ascended ancestors, we honor the art of healing through this modality. We recognize our spiritual lineage as descendants of gifted ancestors who, despite enduring slavery and oppression, selflessly provided healing, guidance, protection, and support to their communities and families.

At God’s Center for Divine Healing, we follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, but we have adapted and evolved our practices. One of the techniques we utilize is off-the-body energy healing, where direct physical contact is not required except for initial contact. This approach is commonly practiced in metaphysical churches today.  It has many names.  It’s known as spiritual healing, energy healing, and energy medicine.

We warmly invite you to join us for the next distant healing session, and when in-person events are scheduled you will be informed. 

We love carrying forward the wisdom and traditions passed down by our ancestors.

Meet our Founder

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