Group Healing

free distant healing

At God’s Center for Divine Healing, we specialize in energy healing, spiritual healing, and distant healing. Since 1998, we have been offering healing through group distant healing, laying on of hands, and spiritual energy work.

Healing Sessions & Requests


Distant Healing Offered: Twice a Month

Healing Requests: We encourage seekers to submit their own requests. If a request is submitted on behalf of someone else, their name will be placed on our prayer list.


Requesting Free Distant Healing

Please complete our Free Healing Form to request distant healing. If you have multiple ailments, please focus on one illness at a time for the best results.

🚫 Do Not Send:
❌ Images
❌ Other types of requests
❌ Lists of names
❌ Private messages

Ongoing Health & Healing

Taking an active role in your healing journey is essential. If your healthcare provider has recommended diet changes, exercise, medication, surgery, or quitting harmful habits, we encourage you to follow their guidance while receiving distant healing.

Join Our Healing Community

🌿 Follow My Healing Queen on Facebook for healing tips, updates, and upcoming energy healing events.

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